Lost Girls & Love Hotels is a 2020 American psycological drama film directed by William Olsson from a screenplay by Catherine Hanrahan, based on Hanrahan's novel Lost Girls and Love Hotels. The film stars Alexandra Daddario as an American English teacher in Tokyo, who loses herself to the city's nightlife and begins an affair with a member of the Yakuza. It was released through video on demand on September 18, 2020, by Astrakan Film AB.
Haunted by her past, an English teacher explores love and dust with a dashing yakuza gangster in Tokyo.
When an analyst uncovers information that could ruin them all, the key players (Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany) at an investment firm take extreme measures to control the damage.
A basketball phenom, he could have punched his ticket to college or even the pros, but, instead, he chose to walk away from the game, forfeiting his future.
In the 1960s two African-American entrepreneurs hire a working-class white man to pretend to be the head of their business empire while they pose as a janitor and chauffeur